Downsizing for Jesus

It's been quite a while since I posted here. Life has gotten pretty busy. I enjoyed a great two week visit back to England, catching up with friends and continuing my quest of visiting every cathedral in England. (As a side note, I have to comment on how friendly English people were the farther north I got. Although, since I couldn't understand their accents, they may have been insulting me with a smile!) But the main reason that I have slacked off lately has been a move to a new house. It is our second move in six months, third in three years. While it is nice to finally be settled for a while (we hope), the act of moving has been a chore. Being empty nesters, my husband and I had thought that we would be downsizing. That, combined with an international move, led us to be ruthless in our purge of things over the last few years. We had to constantly ask ourselves, "Why am I hanging on to this? What purpose is this serving in my life?" Which brings me smack up agai...