From the Depths of Despair, Hope

For most people, the past four days passed by unremarked. For those of us in the United Methodist Church, who were paying attention, it has been literally life-changing. From Jan 23-26, the UMC held a Special Session of their General Conference in St. Louis to decide on a new plan for how the church relates to the LGBTQ+ community. The results, while somewhat anticipated, have been devastating for many of us in the church, our friends and family. But, somewhere, in the darkest hour of the darkest day, a glimmer of hope continues to shine through. Just for a little background, since 1972, the UMC Book of Discipline (our rulebook) has maintained that homosexuality is "incompatible" with Christian teachings. Confusingly however, we also like to say, "Open hearts, open minds and open doors." So, in other words, love the sinner, hate the sin. Along the way, the church has also made it clear that "self-avowed practicing homosexuals" shall not be ordained an...