You Can Do Better Alabama

I think we can all agree that the political world is getting uglier and uglier. Ideological lines have been drawn over health care, tax policy, immigration and the Mueller investigation. The latest battleground is over sexual misconduct and how we should react when those we elect, or propose to elect, are accused. Now the idea that our male politicians are hound dogs (no offence to the poor puppies) when it comes to women comes as no surprise. Infidelity and sexual scandals involving our leaders go way back. King David comes to mind. And don't forget that Thomas Jefferson had children with one of his slaves (wrong on so many levels). But the cultural climate is changing. Things that were acceptable even a couple decades ago are being called into question. I admit that I voted for Bill Clinton twice and still supported him even after the Monica Lewinsky scandal. I felt that his policy positions outweighed what I felt was consensual activity among adults. I now feel differently....