Fear Not
I was driving with my husband yesterday having a conversation about the state of the world and trying to figure out how we got here, and he said something that stuck with me. "It's all about fear." He's right. Everything we're experiencing right now in our political world is about fear, on both sides of the spectrum. From the right: Fear of terrorism. Fear of illegal immigration. Fear of violence. Fear of job losses. From the left: Fear of oppression. Fear of loss of human and civil rights. Fear of discrimination. And you know what? All of these things are scary and real. People on all sides worry that our country is getting worse, not better and, more importantly, that these changes will affect them. So what's a Christian to do? Fear not, says the Lord. It's a theme that runs through the Bible from beginning to end. Do not be afraid. God is bigger than all this and God's got your back. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow o...