The Shove

This is my first post in a new blog. I need to be clear that I am not writing this because I think that I have amazing insights into faith, God or social justice. I'm writing this because God shoved me into it. I'm writing this because I have no other platform to speak or teach right now. I'm writing this because I need to be accountable, to live out my call and to speak the words and thoughts that I believe God has put upon me.

A bit about me: I am an ordained pastor in a mainline denomination, currently at loose ends. I just relocated back to the US from London, where I spent an amazing few years learning more about the world than I ever could have from home. I met faithful Christians from all around the globe, kind and thoughtful atheists, Muslims, Buddhists and others. More than I ever did in the US, I realized how small the world is and how much we need to live with and learn from each other.

I came back to the US right before the General Election in November. I never expected it to turn out this way. And yes, I am a liberal. But more importantly, I am a Christian who takes seriously the call to love God and our neighbor. And my definition of neighbor, like Christ's, sees no nationality, religion, or differences. My neighbor is the person in need. Period.

So, I've been riled up on facebook, watched way too much CNN and MSNBC, and generally moaned and complained to my friends. I took part in the Women's March and came away from it a little saddened and confused. The march was amazing and empowering, but what do we do now? More marches, pester our elected officials, run for office? All valid actions, but none of them seemed right for me.

Then, as usual, I heard the still, small voice of God. "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists and some to be pastors and teachers to prepare God's people for works of service until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." Eph 4 11-13

I believe that I was gifted to be a teacher. And if I don't have a parish, or a congregation, or even a Bible Study group, then by God, I need to find a platform. So....this is it. I don't know who will read, or care. But I cannot ignore the shove from God back into ministry. So here goes.

Holy God, You find us in all sorts of places, even when we try to lay low. You seek us out. You call us to more than we think we're capable of. And here you found me. Send your Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts and words. Send your Holy Spirit to inspire all of us to seek your truth, to love our neighbor and to witness to your grace in this broken and fragile world. May your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.
